Pumpkin Soufflé

**RETIRED 8/29/17**

I searched long and hard for a really good pumpkin scent, and I finally found the one that’s FORYOURNOSE-worthy. All the other ones I tried were too heavy on the spices, overpowering the aroma of baked pumpkin. This is a creamy pumpkin pie wonderfully balanced with just the right amount of spices. From our perfumer: “A sweet, rich pumpkin soufflé with a delicious buttery nuance tempered by the perfect spice blend. The earthy sweetness of the pumpkin comes through with a well-balanced blend of clove, nutmeg, allspice and ginger, and just the right amount of cinnamon.”

If you want a sweeter pumpkin scent, try my Pumpkin Vanilla Cream (see below).