Patchouli Blend

UPDATE 04/12/17: I didn’t think it was possible, but I’ve found a patchouli fragrance oil that’s even more like the essential oil. 🙂

My patchouli-loving friends bemoaned the change when I had to stop using patchouli essential oil in my bar soaps, due to the sky-high cost of the oil. Well, I’ve got great news! I finally found an affordable fragrance oil that smells so much like the essential oil, I can hardly tell the difference. This would also be a great choice for anyone who has a sensitivity to essential oils, and is especially recommended for triple-scented products to minimize the possibility of skin irritation.

1 thought on “Patchouli Blend”

  1. Patchouli ….how does this come…..salt scrub ? if so add to my order if it has not been sent….also would you please send some additional oil….only if this is not a bother….thanks so much, Phyllis

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